Lesson 9:  Draft Busters

Energy Knowledge in Action


Students identify sources of unwanted heat transfer within their school and homes and make suggestions as to how these types of transfers can be slowed. Students further investigate how buildings are heated.

Key Ideas 

Lesson Goals

Students will: 

Lesson Resources

Lesson PlanDownload Lesson Plan (13 pags 844 KB)

Lesson PlanStudent Handouts 9.1, 9.2, 9.3: Draft Busters School and Home Draft Detection Recording Sheets,
Draft Busters Media Guidelines and Rubric
(1.5 MB)

Online Extensions

Reduce Your Heating Bills this Winter: Overlooked Sources of Heat Loss in the Home

Home Energy Saving Tips

The Home Energy Saver 

Make a draft sock to stop door and/or window drafts.

Energy 101: Home Energy Assessment
This 3 minute video by the US Department of Energy explains what is involved in a home energy checkup. 

Connection to Maine Agencies 

MEEP (Maine Energy Education Program) is a no cost resource for schools and teachers in Maine. Contact MEEP about borrowing a Home Energy Efficiency Audit Kit or a School Efficiency Audit Kit. One of the tools in the school kit is a HOBO which is used to monitor warm and cool spots around the school and detect heat loss.

      School Energy Efficiency Audit - Students use tools loaned by MEEP to see where energy is being wasted in their school. MEEP staff can visit with their new Infrared Camera to spot air leaks and insulation problems after students have used other tools to find problem areas.

     Home Energy Audit Kit
- Students use kits loaned by MEEP to find phantom loads- electronics and appliances use energy even when they appear turned off.

For schools in Aroostook County, a  Maine Public Service representative (MPS) will come to interested schools, free of charge, to guide and support the concepts developed in this lesson.


Contact us: [email protected]