Lesson 6: Testing Heat Transfers through Different Materials


Students continue investigating heat transfers, focusing on transfer by conduction. Students discover that heat is conducted through different materials at different rates by performing a simple experiment. They begin to consider how knowledge of heat transfers can be used to safely and efficiently utilize heat transfers in everyday situations.

Key Ideas

Lesson Goals

Students will: 

Lesson Resources

Lesson PlanDownload Lesson Plan (8 pages, 772 KB)

Student Handout 6.1: Heat Transfer through Different Materials
(528 KB)

Online Extensions

Learn about another matter related to heat; the expansion and contraction of objects as the temperature changes. This “Snack” from the Exploratorium, Cool Hot Rod, demonstrates this concept.

Connection to Maine Agencies

A Maine Energy Education Program (MEEP) is a no cost resource for schools and teachers in Maine.  MEEP representatives and will come to interested schools, free of charge, to guide and support the concepts in lesson and have programs that supplement concepts in this lesson.

For schools in Aroostook County, a Maine Public Service (MPS) representative will come to interested schools, free of charge, to guide and support concepts developed in this lesson.

Contact us: [email protected]