Measuring Electricity Use
Read email from Mystery Person (Addison Fox).
- What information can you find on an electricity bill? Select one of the sample bills by clicking on the link. Make a list of specific information found on the bill.
Reexamine message. Clarify the questions being asked.
- Why does the amount of an/my electricity bill change each month?
- How does the power company figure out my monthly cost?
- In what way does the amount of electricity I use change each month?
- What suggestions do you have for helping me predict how much electricity I might use over the course of a year?
Prepare responses to Mystery Person’s message.
Watt’s the difference? View this podcast to learn more about watts (W), kilowatts (kW), and kilowatt hours (kWh)
Meter Readings (Optional)
Read email message: Is this helpful? Meter readings?